• By Mark
  • August 4, 2020

Pre-production Can Eliminate Some Virtual Issues

Pre-production Can Eliminate Some Virtual Issues

Pre-production Can Eliminate Some Virtual Issues 1024 576 Mark

Having been in broadcast television for 23 years, I know what the benefits are to pre-producing a show. First, let me explain what a pre-produced show actually means.

Pre-produced is really a recorded show prior to the time it would air. So you would record the entire show on Friday for it to run on Saturday night at 6:30pm. The benefit of pre-production is that you can put the show together just the way you want it to air. All glitches are eliminated by starting over if a mistake is made. Pre-produced shows run smoothly when they air and no one has to worry about non professionals freezing on a live show.

This career experience in broadcast television has enabled me to again bring my video production career into the strategy of this virtual format that at the moment we have to consider to raise money for non profits. I have the expertise to know what works well for pre-production and what can work well in a live show.

Despite what you are thinking can take place with streaming, there is so much that does not work in favor of streaming your event. The first is bandwidth. That is an issue until itself. Also what is your go-to stream source? Do you understand latency in streaming? Does your benefit auctioneer, host or leaders know how to deal with latency? There are far more issues to virtual events then we have ever encountered in the tradition gala in a venue. But do not fear. They are working.

Virtual auctions are taking place across the country and they are raising a lot of money. You can overcome a number of issues if your event does a pre-produced event and airs it within hours of it’s recording. You can eliminate a number of glitches. It will appear live to the audience and if you don’t tell anyone you are recording the event, no one would know the difference.

If there are too many loose ends to your event and the people conducting the event are not comfortable with a camera staring them in the face or are nervous about a LIVE event, then a pre-produced event is likely perfect your organization.

To discover more about a pre-produced virtual event, contact me through the contact page here on my site.

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