• By Mark
  • December 15, 2022

The Most Anticipated brioBlast Of The Year

The Most Anticipated brioBlast Of The Year

The Most Anticipated brioBlast Of The Year 1024 680 Mark

Some of the most frequent questions that I am asked by a client is “what items or packages have sold best at your live auctions this year?” So for seventeen years, I have sent an email blast highlighting the Top 15 best selling live auction packages from the current year. These are not only packages or items that have sold well, but also had frenzy bidding competition during the sale at the event.

Auction brio teams with clients to create ideas for packages or items that fit a client’s buying audience. No two auction audiences are the same. Some may prefer trips, others experiences, others like items. We help clients discover what their supporters want to bid on at their benefit auction. We create packages with attractive value to the bidder. This strategy drives bidders to raise their paddle over and over again.

Sign up for the brioBlast on out contact page and see what packages and items sold best in 2022. It just may give you an idea for your your event.

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