• By Mark
  • July 6, 2022

$485 Billion Given To Charities in ’21

$485 Billion Given To Charities in ’21

$485 Billion Given To Charities in ’21 1024 766 Mark

In 2021, there were a number of states that busted out of the restricted numbers of assembly. Some organizations and schools missed on the opportunity to have an event in-person or they went virtual on their event to try and raise money. For those who tried, many were not only successful, but they raised more than anticipated. Donors watched, participated and gave generously.

Last year, charities were given a record amount of money. Over $485 billion dollars were given to charities through the United States. That is 4% better than 2020. Did you get your share? You should have received a record amount of funds. All Auction brio clients did.

The arts bounced back and so did culture groups with a 27.5% increase in donated funds. Corporate giving elevated to 23.8% giving over $21 billion dollars.

Individuals gave more too. They increased donations by 4.9% for a total of $327 billion dollars!

In 8 of the 9 philanthropic sectors, funds either grew or were flat. The only sector that lost funds was in education that was down 2.8%. That is likely due to schools ordered to be closed. Those who did not try to hold a virtual fundraiser really missed out. Thank you to the Associated Press for these numbers.

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