Auction brio produces more funds for clients because we are strategists to the entire money generating process of a fundraising event.
Strategy matters because:
*Auction brio strategies have raised $111.7 million dollars.
*The Silent auction is never a bargain table. It is always a money generator.
*Auction brio presents interactive strategy to the silent auction that drive bidders to participate and bid more times.
* How much money do you want to raise in the Live auction? We present strategies to meet and exceed that goal.
*The Fund-a-Need demands a lot of time and strategy planning. We spend many hours addressing the presentation, video production, execution of the ask and collection of bids.
*Auction brio engages the audience and collects more money by executing its strategic innovative ideas.
*There is no guessing to how much a raffle can generate. We implement strategies so you will generate more money.