Western Reserve Academy
April 18, 2016

Mark, I wanted to thank you for helping with another successful fundraiser for Western Reserve Academy. Your creativity, planning guidance, industry contacts and understanding of what it takes to run a successful fundraiser have all played a major role in our success. We have consistently increased net proceeds by 300% over what we averaged just three years ago prior to you joining our team.

Equally important to raising money, we believe it is critical that our guests thoroughly enjoy our event and look forward to returning the following year. The entertainment factor you provide through your energetic and exciting live auction, makes it an enjoyable night for everyone.

You have a very enviable mission Mark. You get to fly around the country helping charitable organizations and other non-profits make the world a better place and everyone has a great time doing it. It just doesn’t get any better than that? On behalf of the parents, students and faculty at WRA, I wish you continued success.

    How can we help?
    How do we make more money?We need to change auctioneers.Our auctions run too long.People leave too early.We are not reaching our goals.We need to spice up our auction.This is our first live auction.
    Date of your event?

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