The RK Group, San Antonio, TX
April 18, 2016

When you come to a live auction, the bidders that are willing to share dollars stay to really help the organization. Now I know from 50 years of experience that this part of the evening is to do with just one person, the AUCTIONEER.

I first met Mark at a very first class gala in 2012 and it was so pleasant to attend unlike times when you leave when the live auction starts because the auctioneer is not impressive. Mark not only knows how to hold your attention but knows the perfect way to have bidders going back and forth until he obtains what he knows is the proper amount for the auction item. He is able to do this because he works with the committee, attending strategy meetings to become a team member. This way he fully understands the mission of the organization as an agent for them on the stage. This involvement provides fresh money generating ideas and this separates him from auctioneers who just show up, conduct the auction and get a pay check in one hour of work.

Mark really cares and I know for a fact he raised record funds for ACTS and Hope For The Future.

    How can we help?
    How do we make more money?We need to change auctioneers.Our auctions run too long.People leave too early.We are not reaching our goals.We need to spice up our auction.This is our first live auction.
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