August 17, 2016

Mark Schroeder is terrific – a true saint of circumstance. As the host of the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission Sports Awards I witnessed the sold out event of well over 1,000 people at the Renaissance Ballroom in downtown Cleveland become wholly enraptured by the tune, spirit and tone of Mark’s auction chant. The auctioneer at these type of events is always the difference as to whether or not these programs are successful. Mark’s skill, enthusiasm and professionalism on stage perfectly transferred to a crowd that gave enormously to the big ticket packages. With Mark as the auctioneer, GCSC earned the most money ever for their live auction. Great Job Mark! And thanks for making the dreams of other people come true. You are “better than perfect” in so many ways. You are a fantastic inspiration, I am proud to know and work for you, and we are all so lucky that you dedicate your life so that our world can become a better and saner place. Thanks for EVERYTHING!

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