• By Mark
  • January 11, 2023

Failure To Strategize Your Auction

Failure To Strategize Your Auction

Failure To Strategize Your Auction 1024 763 Mark

There are many reasons for auctions that do not raise as much as “hoped” or “expected”. One of the key reasons is because there was no strategy planned and applied that would have raised more money. It was “just throw it out there and lets hope it goes for a big amount.” That could get lucky about 1% of the time. This is an automatic failure for your fundraising event.

Strategies are well thought out plans to initiate bidding and more more importantly to get bidders to repeat their bidding and competition with other bidders. This is what we do when we team with clients. We strategize with them on all aspects of auctions, raffles, drawings, sponsorships and underwriting. By applying strategies to your fundraising evening, the run of show goes smoothly and you are seamless from one presentation leading to the next presentation. Guests are never bored or left waiting for the end of an auction, raffle or drawing.

Discover how we apply strategies to our clients fundraising events so they raise more money and their fundraising event ends at the time they said it would end. Contact me and lets raise more money for your organization or learning institution.

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    How do we make more money?We need to change auctioneers.Our auctions run too long.People leave too early.We are not reaching our goals.We need to spice up our auction.This is our first live auction.
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