• By Mark
  • August 24, 2021

Don’t Make Them Cry

Don’t Make Them Cry

Don’t Make Them Cry 1024 699 Mark

If you make supporters cry at your fundraising event, are they more willing to give you money? Or are they more likely to want to leave the room as fast as possible? It’s proven that trying to purposely create a sad story to provide guilt so people will give to your cause, you have done the opposite. You have profoundly created a moment more upsetting than it is prosperous. In addition to creating a pressured atmosphere to give, people will not give more than they planned to give and they will likely never return to your stressful event. Don’t make them cry.

Rather than stress the complications and battles that a disease or a financial woe is creating for a person or for an organization or learning institution, find the positive message in why the donor should not only give the amount of money they planned to give you, but to give you more. Show them the power of their money. This is what Auction brio emphasizes to our clients and it creates a bond of understanding and long relationships to share the successes of giving and the effects of the donors donation.

Let us show you through powerful presentations of professionally produced Fund-a-Need videos created by our Emmy and Telly Award winning producers. We bond your mission with the generosity of donors so they fully comprehend the power of their donations to your cause.

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